Purpose is your foundation. It's what allows you to ensure you're building your life on the right things—the things that will stand strong through the storms and seasons of life.
When I moved from Florida to Georgia, I remember being in awe of the sheer size of some of the trees in our yard. With massive trunks and heavy branches, they seemed to never stop growing in height. And those were just the qualities I could see! Arguably the most impressive part of those trees lived just below the surface. Though I couldn't see it, I knew what gave those massive trees their massive lives were the root systems just below the soil. The trees able to weather storms are the ones with the strongest roots. They grow healthy, thriving fruit because they're standing on healthy, thriving roots. The health of a tree is determined by the health of its roots—the health of its foundation.
And the same is true when it comes to purpose.
It's the root system from which everything else in your life grows and thrives. All the stuff you see above ground in your life—your mission, your vision, your goals, your choices, your accomplishments—it's all born out of a healthy root system. It grows from a strong foundation.
I was older than I wanted to be when I realized the foundation I was building on wasn't strong enough to hold. Under the weight of stressful circumstances and unexpected challenges, my root system proved to be unsteady and unstable. When high tide came, the foundation crumbled, and I was left standing in the uncertain rubble.
I had to make a choice. I could pick up my shovel and start digging my way out of the mess around me or sit in the confusion and surrender to defeat. I chose the former and rebuilt on a better, stronger foundation.
If I am totally transparent with you, digging deep was really uncomfortable. I felt disoriented in my life, confused at how I got there, desperately longing for the clarity and confidence on how to move forward. I had to get honest with myself and set aside the expectations I or others had for my life up to that point. I had to humbly ask and answer the important questions—the ones only I could answer.
I bet you can relate.
Maybe you've found your confidence shaken in one way or another. Maybe the myriad of decisions you have to make each day is causing you to feel paralyzed or stalled.Maybe you want to grow into the next stage of life but find yourself stuck and unable to move forward.
Maybe the very things you prioritized as important have been shaken, and now you're wondering what to do next.Maybe you're a naturally purpose-minded person who wants to double check their decisions and be sure you're on a path you'll be proud of in the long run.
Wherever you are, I am expectant for what will come as you pick up your shovel to start digging up the roots of the old foundation in preparation to put a strong purpose down as your new one.
Ready to reduce stress and live out of intention? Get your copy of The Strength of Purpose: A Guide to Knowing and Living Your Reason for Being and the accompanying Handbook: The Strength of Purpose Handbook: A Guide for Crafting Purpose, Journaling Progress and Setting Goals To Live Your Reason for Being.
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